
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What in the world are these?

I don't know, but I like to play with them a lot! Pretty cool discovery... I wonder how long they've been down there? Huh. Mom got really excited when I grabbed them and rolled around... so I guess I'll continue until I figure out what purpose they serve.

4 month appointment

Well, good news: I survived!!! Like the 2 month appointment, I got one oral vaccination and two shots. I screamed bloody murder for about 30 seconds (mom said it felt like 30 hours), and then I realized the pain was gone. After that, they slapped some pretty cool band-aids on the wound sites. :)

4 month stats:

weight: 12.8 lbs. (mom & dad think the scale was broken)
height: 24.5 inches (long & lean!)

The doc wrote "perfect" on the piece of paper she gave to my mom, but since my weight is only in the 30th percentile, we're gonna try to plump me up a bit. Cue formula supplementation... which is SO NOT BREASTMILK.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

My mommy looks for any excuse to shop for me... so when holidays come around, I must be adorned in the appropriate attire! Daddy pointed out that I have a whole closet full of clothes already, but Mommy had a great point that none are red, white and blue. So today I am showing my patriotic pride!
It was too hot for me to be outside and watch fireworks... so I wore them on my dress instead. :)

father-daughter movie time

I actually think we were watching tennis when Mommy took these pictures. I really like that sport... and Mommy says that with my grip, I'll be a great player!