
Monday, May 11, 2009

2 months old!

Well, I was excited to go to the doctor this morning, until the very end, when the seemingly nice nurse came in with a couple of needles. What are those for, I wondered? Now that my legs are adorned in Snoopy bandaids, it is no longer in question. Mommy told me that the shots & their sore aftermath don't compare to what I'd be experiencing with the diseases DTap, Hib and IPV. I'll take her word for it.
At least I've gotten to eat some baby Tylenol... something other than breast milk for a change!

My 2 month stats:

10.6 lbs. (45th percentile)
22.75 inches long (65th percentile)
head circumfrence is only in the 55th percentile, but given my parents' craniums, I'm sure mine will steadily climb the charts... if not leap off of them.

On another exciting note: my mommy had her 1st Mothers Day yesterday! We got to spend a lot of time with the family... where everyone ooh'd & aah'd over me. Can one get spoiled with love? I'm such a lucky little lady!

me resting with Aunt Stephanie on Mother's Day eve. She's tired from working on her play! I'm tired from ingesting lots of milk.

Family photo

just 'cause


The Potters said...

What a cutie! Happy Mother's Day!

Leatrice said...

great family photo and you look great Kristen!